Friday 17 January 2014

2014 Extracts

 A Few Items Taken from the February 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.
Clr Brinsden reported that resurfacing was now being done from Folly Cross to Stanwell Corner.

Trelessy Wind Turbine
An appeal was raised to the Welsh Assembly Government.  The appeal meeting was Wednesday March 5th at 10am in Llanteg Hall.

Websites for Town and Community Councils
There was a potential development grant of £500.  It was agreed that the Community Council would apply for this.

Crosslands Wind Turbine
The Crosslands wind turbine application had been resubmitted without any changes.  The same objections would be made.

Next Meeting
Thursday March 20th at Llanteg Village Hall.

A Few Items Taken from the March 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Roads - Councillor Brinsden reported that the road had been completed between Folly Cross and Stanwell Cross.

Land west of Crunwere House - erection of 225kw wind turbine (permission refused)
Parsonage Farm Caravan Park (just outside parish) - erection of wind turbine (appeal made)

Next meeting - Thursday 22nd May - A.G.M. followed by meeting - Llanteg Village Hall.

A Few Items Taken from the May 2014 Meeting

Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.
Land west of Crunwere House, Crosslands Road - appeal and hearing 10am 18th June.  This would be attended by Councillors if possible.

Review of electoral arrangements - draft proposals for 2015
The Community Councillors were unanimous in their view that Amroth should join with Saundersfoot and not with Kilgetty/Begelly as had been suggested when the ward boudaries change in 2016.

Footpath Complaint
It was reported that a complaint had been received from a neightbour in Llanteg about people using a local public footpath for the use fo tractors.  The Councillor had been in touch with PCC to seek their views.  Public Rights of Way were looking in to it.

Lanteague Chapel
A Councillor reported that he was approached about the state of Lanteague Chapel.  The strimming in the chapel was now done.  However the gate was very dangerous as it is metal and was hanging off its hinges.  The weight of the gate was too great; only being supported by a wooden post and hence a new gate was required.  Clr Harries would speak to David Rees to organise the job.

A477 Speeds
There was great concern about the traffic coming east to west down the A 477.  Vehicles were coming so fast off the new road and were not slowing down coming into Llanteg.  The Community Council would ask for speed cameras to be operated more regularly in the area.

Next Meeting - Thursday 19th June - 7pm at Amroth Parish Hall.

A Few Items Taken from the June 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Ward Boundaries
Proposed new boundaries for 2016; Clr Brinsden to clarify position with PCC.

Tractors using Public Footpaths in Llanteg area - this was in hand.

Speeding traffic coming down new A477 into Llanteg.  A letter was sent to police traffic section and to Safe Action and the traffic police and speed guns were very much in evidence.

Clr Brinsden reported that both he and Clr Hayes had attended the appeal hearing regarding the wind turbines at Crunwere Road.  The outcome was now awaited which would take about six weeks.

Llanteg Community Association
Nice to see the chapel gate would be repaired and also good to see Mike Abel back to his strimming duties in the chapel yard.

Land west of Crunwere House, Crosslands Road - appeal hearing 18th June - outcome in 6 weeks.

Electoral Register
Registering to vote is changing to cut down on electoral fraud.

Hywel Dda Health Board
Cle D.Jenkinson would attend the meeting on council's behalf.  Changes to maternity, gynaecological, neonatal and paediatric services at Withybush and Glangwili.

Sea Breeze
The matter was with the solicitors who were seeking a resolution.

Next Meeting
24th July 7pm at Llanteg Village Hall.

A Few Items Taken from the July 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Lanteague Chapel
Repair had been done to the gate and invoice paid.

Turbine Appeal
Cle Brisnden was unable to go to the Parsonage Farm turbine appeal.  Clr Hayes and Clr Jenkinson both attended on behalf of the Community Council.

Parsonage Farm Caravan Park (outside parish boundary for Crunwere) - single 10kw wind turbine, 20m to hub and 23.5m to blade tip.  Gone to appeal.
Crofty Nursery - alterations and extension - no objection.

Next Meeting - no meeting in August.  Next meeting September 18th, Amroth Parish Hall at 7pm.

A Few Items Taken from the September 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Oakland's House, Old Amroth Road - retrospective change of use of former garage, workshop, office to community hairdressing salon (no objections, permission granted).
Land west of Crunwere House, Crosslands Road - appeal dismissed.
Crofty Garden Nursery - alteration and extension (permission granted)
Parsonage Farm Appeal (outside parish boundary for Crunwere) - erection of wind turbine (appeal dismissed).

Roads - it was reported that Mr Eggleton of Ledgerland, near Donkey Hill Wood, was driving up the A477 from Kilgetty intending to turn right at the chapel down Chapel Lane.(Stoney Road) when a van and two cars overtook him on the inside.  A councillor raised concerns about the positioning of the speed signs in this location.
It was suggested we erect a speed traffic sign on entry and exit into Llanteg before the new bypass should be installed.  The clerk to contact the Trunk Road Agency.

Amroth Area Good Neighbour Scheme - this has been disbanded because of a lack of response.

Next Meeting - 23rd October, Llanteg Village Hall at 7pm.

A Few Items Taken from the October 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Roads - electric speed warning signs at entrance and exit of Llanteg on A477 from the new bypass - the Trunk Road Agency has been contacted in relation to this, and also the P.C.C.Officer regarding the repositioning of speed signs in the village - the clerk was to follow this up.

Resurfacing - the road from Amroth to Llanteg had been resurfaced.  A request for improvement to the section of road from Trelessy Road to Summerbrook has been made.

Llanteg Community Association - a councillor had been contacted by two people who were very concerned about crossing the main road twice a day to get to the school bus.  An email had been prepared and the clerk was to send this to Richard Jones of S.W. Truck Road Agency.

Gullies - on Old Amroth Road had been blocked.  The council ere currently checking this.

Signs and Buildings - a discussion took place about the number of signs at Crofty Nursery and also the erection of very large agricultural buildings at Three Wells.

Next Meeting - November 20th, Amroth Parish Hall at 7pm.

A Few Items Taken from the November 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Electric Speed Warning Signs - at exit and entrance onto the A477 from the new bypass.
The Trunk Road Agency had passed the council's concerns to Welsh Government who in turn had asked the Community Council to complete a questionnaire highlighting problems with the trunk road.

Gullies - on the Old Amroth Road had now been jetted through, but a collapsed pipe had been found and was now on the schedule of work to be done.

Letter - from PCC asking if the Community Council had responsibility for any War Memorials.  They did not but there is a memorial inside Llanteg Village Hall.

Complaints - a lot of complaints had been received about the drop of the verge by the new road in Llanteg.  Highways would wait for drier weather before putting down some chippings to reduce the drop.

Resurfacing - PCC were asked to resurface the road from the top of Trelessy Road to Summerbrook, but this was not currently a priority.

Fly Tipping - two old ice cream fridges had been tipped at the entrance to the Woodland Trust.  Thankfully PCC had cleared the rubbish away quickly.  Council had considered installing security cameras in order to prevent this reoccurring.
The police were also regularly visiting to ensure no more fly tipping.

Llanteg Community Association - the speed and professionalism of the PCC employees who had cleaned the ditches and cleaned the pipes in Llanteg was commended - an excellent job was done.
It was agreed a letter of thanks be sent to the kind individual who had identified and reported the fly tipping incident.

Driving - PCC are offering refresher driving courses for those aged 65 and over.  Posters were being put up in the hall.

Other Matters
Parking - Council expressed concern over the danger due to cars being parked by property in Llanteg, causing an obstruction to the view of people coming out of Ledgerland Road and the 30 MPH sign, as well as damaging the grass verge along the highway.  The clerk was to send a letter.

Next Meeting - Thursday 7pm at Llanteg Village Hall on December 18th.

A Few Items Taken from the December 2014 Meeting
Taken from the Tenby Observer so cannot guarantee that this is everything relating to Llanteg.

Obstruction - a letter had been sent to the person responsible for parking near to Ledgerland Road and causing an obstruction.

Ledgerland Road - Clerk to contact PCC highways to see if they could add the area at the entrance to Ledgerland Road to their Spring work programme.

Llanteg Community Association
There had been no more incidents of fly tipping.  PCSO Jim Moffat had been checking the area regularly.
Councillors were pleased at the increased police presence in the area.
The Bloomfield Community Bus now visited Llanteg on Wednesday mornings.  In order to use the bus passengers needed to call Bloomfield the day before.  It was very popular in the village.

Blaenhafod, Tavernspite - certificate of lawful use of development.

Funding - available for community groups - £500 for planting.  Clerk to email community association with application form.

Date of Next Meeting - Thursday 22nd January at 7pm - Amroth Parish Village Hall.